Even though Taiwan was named “Asia’s Favourite Destination” at this year’s Malaysia Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA) fair, not many travellers are well acquainted with other parts in Taiwan besides Taipei.
Here, we talk about the 6 hidden gems in Taiwan that you should visit!
1. Smell The Roses at Taichung
The Taichung World Flora Exposition, held from early November 2018 through 24 April 2019, is so big that it’s actually three destinations in one with each featuring different aspects of Taiwan.
Frogs Time, Taichung
If you’re looking for a place to stay in Taichung, be sure to check out the Wind Natural Parent-child Inn, a family-friendly home and Frogs Time, a photogenic hotel.
2. Learn The Endangered Language at Sun Moon Lake
Sun Moon Lake is the home of Taiwan’s smallest aboriginal group; the Thao tribe whose language is one of the most endangered in the world. Now, younger generation Thaos are picking up their native tongue.
The Wen Wan Resort
Hu Yue Lakeview Hotel and The Wen Wan Resort should be on the top of your hotels list when visiting here.
3. Feast at Tainan
If you are keen on trying new food, then Tainan is perfect for you. Tainan is Taiwan’s food capital that reflects its rich history as it was Taiwan’s economic centre for 200 years. You should expect to have a long list of food to try!
821space, Tainan
For accommodations, you may consider Atreeium which features well-designed rooms in a retro-themed Tainan building and 821space which gives a more artistic touch to its comfy rooms.
4. The Aesthetically Pleasing Kaohsiung
If architecture is your thing, head to Kaohsiung. City spaces in Kaohsiung are generally bigger, airier and adorned with architectural gems. The Kaohsiung Main Public Library earned the admiration of book lovers all over Taiwan for its stunning design.
Just Sleep Koahsiung Zhongzheng Hotel
Just Sleep Koahsiung Zhongzheng Hotel, offers clean and modern cozy rooms for affordable prices.
5. The Evergreen Hualien
If you’re a nemophilist, then Hualien is perfect for you as it’s blessed with gorgeous natural scenery and cultural richness. For more adventurous travelers, you can explore the Taroko Gorge, lauded by the LA Times as “Taiwan’s version of Yosemite.”
Silks Place Taroko Hotel
Stay at Silks Place Taroko Hotel as it is located in the heart of the gorge area.
6. Learn the Cultures at Taitung
Located on the Pacific-facing side of the island, Taitung is home to several aboriginal tribes, many of which have kept their traditions. Here, you can experience how the indigenous people live their day-to-day lives.
Taitung Chii Lih Resort
If you’re looking for a nearby place to stay, you can try The Taitung Chii Lih Resort.
Text by Imran Sukri • Photos by Agoda